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LYLM Youth Video Competition!
Recognising youth as agents of change and advocates for entrepreneurship, community and the co-creation of public spaces.
As part of the international Love Your Local Market celebrations in May, organised by The National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA), young people between 16-25 are being offered the chance to win a prize of £500 for videos submitted to the #LYLM2017 Video Competition.
Concerns around the decline our high streets and town centres extends to markets, with the average trader and consumer aged at 55 years, according to research undertaken in the Mission for Market Survey in 2016. Some fantastic household names started out their business life trading on markets such as Superdry, Monsoon, Marks and Spencers and Poundland and markets offer an affordable option to test trade a business idea.
Started as a consequence of the Mary Portas Review of High Streets in 2012, the Love Your Local Market campaign now involves over 1200 markets in the UK and has been rolled out to over 16 countries in a partnership between NABMA and the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM). The celebrations take place over a fortnight in May, with markets hosting special events and traders offering promotions and innovative ways to share the knowledge of their craft.
Young people are fundamental to the future of markets and since Love Your Local Market gave a commitment to central government to enable the creation of 100 Youth Markets, in 2015, we have seen thousands of amazing start ups springing up on markets across the country from people in the 16-25 age range.
The Love Your Local Market campaign, run by NABMA (the National Association of British Market Authorities), was started in 2012 following recommendations made in the Portas Review. The recommendations called for a National Market Day, which soon developed into Love Your Local Market Fortnight, which now takes place annually in May.
The Love Your Local Market campaign is led by NABMA & backed by Central Government, NMTF (the National Market Traders Federation), global partner – WUWM (World Union of Wholesale Markets) & the wider market industry.
The main sponsor for LYLM2017 is Gala Tent who are an award-winning marquee and bespoke branded/printed market stall company based in South Yorkshire & provide all the Love Your Local Market official merchandise www.galatent.co.uk
For more information about the background of the Love Your Local Market campaign visit: www.loveyourlocalmarket.co or contact the Love Your Local Market Manager, Ellie Gill by email: comms@loveyourlocalmarket.co
The official Twitter site for the campaign is: @loveurlocalmkt & the hashtag is #LYLM2017
The official Facebook site for the campaign is: www.facebook.com/loveyourlocalmarket
The official Instagram site for the campaign is: loveyourlocalmarket
For further information about NABMA (National Association of British Market Authorities) visit www.nabma.com
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