Come along and watch the grand unravelling/rollout of Bridport's longest scarf!! Raising funds for Bridport…
Christmas Cheer Lantern Workshop
The Stars and Moon will dance & parade together in our night time show of lights in this years Christmas Cheers Lantern Procession. We will have live music from Bridport’s inclusive dance theatre company The Shoe Chorus.
This magical Lantern Procession will leave at 5.10pm from Barrack Street through Bucky Doo Square and parade with true winter sparkle on into Borough Gardens where our beautiful, community handmade lanterns will light up Borough Gardens for a short public Performance by No Limits, “We are Star Stuff”.
The procession promises creations inspired by Winter Skies, with its very own beautiful Queen of Winter Constellations, a group made giant lantern the Cosmic Moon Bird made in public workshops with a flock of 30 smaller moon birds, made by year 4 children at St Marys school to accompany its flight through town bringing magical star dust and wishes to the crowds. Other schools involved in the procession are Symondsbury and Loders Schools, Bridport Connect Day Centre & the general public who attended this years community workshops in the Town Hall.
The Procession and Workshops are led by Community Artist Mickey Bonome who says ”There is so much creativity going on this year, the children at the schools participating this year have made some beautiful lanterns .. The theme of ‘Winter Skies’ is to compliment our exciting collaboration this year with Community Performance Group ‘No Limits’ and the procession ending with their public performance is sure to provide everyone with a truly magical evening .. Don’t miss it !!” If you would like to make a lantern and be involved in this years procession, the last public workshop is at the Town Hall at 10.30 – 2.30 on Saturday 30th November, where Mickey will show you how to make traditional (and not so traditional) withy and paper lanterns to process and keep to take home afterwards. Please book with the tourist information centre to ensure your place.
Make sure you follow the lantern procession through the town, to enjoy a free short performance which will sprinkle a little more mystery and magic into the evening’s celebrations in Borough Gardens Director of No Limits Anna Golding says ‘It has been a real treat to make a street theatre show with illuminated dancers of all abilities who will bring light and hope into darkest part of the year.’ “We Are Star Stuff ” choreographed by Anna Golding and No Limits members, Costumes & Props by Mickey Bonome & Music by Andrew Dickson and Robert Lee.
This will finish in time to see Father Christmas arrive in Bucky Doo Square at 6pm. See You Then !!
Mickey and The Christmas Cheer Team x

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