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Family History Courses


September 2018 – February 2019

Beginner/Refresher CourseMonday 22nd October & Monday 19th November 

Pre 1837 CourseFriday 19th October & Friday 23rd November 

Organising, presenting & writing up family, local or historical researchMonday 26th November & Monday 21st November

One Day Specials 

‘Shadow of the Workhouse’ The New Poor Law Monday 3rd December 

Town and Country Life after WW1Wednesday 13 February 

Two day courses £60, one day course £30

Wednesday classes start on 26th September

Leaflets available from Local History Centre, Bridport Library, Bridport TIC & Dorset History Centre, Dorchester.

Hosted by: Marsh Barn Farm, Burton Rd. Bridport

For more details tel: 01308 425710 or email

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