Mayor’s Blog 160 December Blogs Dear Readers, I must have been visited by some mischievous Christmas…

Floor excavations

Over the past couple of weeks the careful task of excavating the ground floor has been underway. When finished the Town Hall will have level access from Bucky Doo square but in order to achieve this, the current floor level needs to be lowered by about 1 meter.

Alongside the need to remove the old floor and a substantial amount of subsoil, the contractors also need to carefully inspect the foundations of the building and reinforce as necessary. The excavations will also reveal the original footings of the supporting pillars that will be reinstated within the building and the old town well which is understood to be in the south east corner of the building. All work is being overseen by an archaeologist and carefully documented with photographs.

The brick infills to the arches have now also been removed, revealing the Town Hall as it would have been when it was originally built. All of the brick removed will be carefully cleaned and reused in the building.