Mayor’s Blog 160 December Blogs Dear Readers, I must have been visited by some mischievous Christmas…
Update on Branden’s Trail
Members of Bridport Gardening Club have set to a work with a will this week planting the first batch of sensory plants and flowers for Branden’s Trail at Bridport Primary School. Everything has been donated by Project supporters.
The wooden planters, including inbuilt seating, have been created and installed by Town Surveyor Daryl Chambers and his Team – Branden’s Trail is the Council’s “Community Project of the Year.”
Delays and difficulties caused by the pandemic haven’t dampened the enthusiasm nor affected the determination to complete this project, commemorating 5 year old cancer victim Branden Wayland, and transforming his memorial into a legacy of support for other children facing difficult issues their lives.
Meanwhile, another Project Partner, Bridport Arts Centre, is appealing for help in order to be able to realise their own commitment. Youth Engagement Officer, Bryony Moores O’Sullivan, has been working with the children, together with local artists Theadora Brazier and Imi Naylan, towards producing the Branden’s Trail Mural. Endless ideas – not enough paint to turn all of thos ideas into something really special.
Bryony explained “What we need is exterior wood primer (preferably white), vibrant wall paint colours, acrylic paint, and MSA varnish or similar. We would really appreciate some help with this”
If you happen to have anything that you can donate to this worthwhile project, then please either take it to the Town Council offices at Mountfield, c/o Daryl Chambers, or if this isn’t possible contact or 01308 423767 for collection.
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