Monday 8th July – Young Creatives working with ‘Stuff and Nonsense’ at the Lyric Theatre This…

West Bay Car Boot Sale 2020
Coronavirus Update: The West Bay Car Boot has been cancelled until further notice.
The popular car boot sales in West Bay will be starting again on Sunday 5th April 2020. This car boot is now managed by Bridport Town Council. Costs for this car boot are £6 for a car, £8 for a car and trailer or small van and £15 for a large van. All profits go to charity to be applied for through a grant scheme allocated by local councillors. The car park is owned by WDDC but they do not charge for the use for the car boot sales and Bridport Town Council do not charge for the collection of the fees.
The car park will be open at 6.30am for traders to set up, the car boot opens from 7.30 for the public, it finishes at 11.30, all traders must be clear of the car park by mid-day.
The Last Car Boot Sale of the year will be Sunday 24th October.
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