Mayor’s Blog 160 December Blogs Dear Readers, I must have been visited by some mischievous Christmas…
Help your local Spirit of Bridport Parade!
Hello all my Bridport friends and family
Could you spare me 2 hours of your time on the afternoon of Saturday 13 May?
I am organising the Spirit of Bridport parade – which is going to be amazing – and need anyone and everyone I can persuade to help carry all the wonderful creations that have been made by local schools and community groups.
All ages, family, friends and associates welcome!!!!
If you’re up for it get in touch – you then just need to turn up on the day in darkish plain cloths – no crazy dancing or performing skills required! We are meeting at 1.45 at Borough Gardens in Bridport and should be finished by 3.30pm.
Big thanks and please pass the message on!
07968 577867
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