Mayor’s Blog 160 December Blogs Dear Readers, I must have been visited by some mischievous Christmas…
Uplifting artwork
As part of the Bridport Town Hall Heritage and Conservation project, local artist Darrell Wakelam has been working with local disability groups and young parents to create a permanent artwork for the interior of the new lift at Bridport Town Hall. Involving over 50 participants, the workshops have used the history and heritage of the Town Hall as inspiration for cardboard and rope montages. The first workshops were held at Mountjoy School, where pupils created fantastic ships like those built at West Bay in the past. Further workshops have also been held at the Fisherman’s Arms day centre, with young parents groups in the town and in partnership with Artz+, who provide holiday activities for children with disabilities and their siblings. Helen Day, Artz+ Co-ordinator said “The children really enjoyed creating some fabulous fossils art and were pleased to contribute to the artwork planned for the Town Hall”.
All work produced during the workshop will be assembled into a single piece and photographed. The high quality photographs will then be reproduced to cover the interior walls of the new lift.
The workshops are part of a larger programme of activities to create permanent artworks in the restored Town Hall. Activities Coordinator Crystal Johnson said, “the project is a wonderful opportunity for the local community to make a lasting mark on their Town Hall. A key element of the restoration is the installation of a lift in the building, which will allow everyone access to the first floor. We are really excited that so many different community groups are engaged with the project which will not only contribute to the Town Hall’s local distinctiveness but also offer visitors to the building an insight into its history and heritage.”
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