Mayor’s Blog 160 December Blogs Dear Readers, I must have been visited by some mischievous Christmas…

Memories wanted
Bridport Town Council is working with Bridport Museum to capture and record the memories and stories of local people and their connections with the Town Hall. For over 200 years the Town Hall has been both the civic and symbolic centre of Bridport. It has been used as a magistrates’ court and has hosted a wide variety of community events.
In 1914 it was the focus for a march past of local volunteers on their way to war. In 1919 there was a peace parade outside the building of survivors of the Great War and during the Second World War between 1939 – 1943 crowds gathered to sing patriotic songs. A model thermometer stood against the building recording the sums raised for the war effort. In 1953 Princess Margaret visited the town and spoke outside the Town Hall to commemorate the 700th Anniversary of the Granting of the first Royal Charter to the Borough of Bridport.
Activities Coordinator, Crystal Johnson said “We are looking for personal stories about the Town Hall – maybe an event you attended, a remembered detail that’s been replaced, something that happened in the centre of town. Also we would love to see your old photographs or other related items. Unless we capture and collect this information now it will be lost forever. The Town Hall is at the heart of Bridport and we want to use Bridport’s memories to bring it alive for everyone. All information gathered with be preserved by Bridport Museum and much of it used to tell people about the building’s past when it opens to the public at the end of 2011.”
If you have a story to tell or a memory to share, no matter how small, please do get in touch with Crystal either through the website or on 07968 577867