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Carved panel in Bridport Town Hall

Touching history

While working on the main Council Chamber in the Town Hall, joiners have discovered a carved wooden panel which has been hidden under the floorboards since 1787, the year the Town Hall building was completed. The panel shows the initials…

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Borough Well underneath Bridport Town Hall

Well, well…

During initial ground floor excavations the old town well was uncovered. What came as a complete shock however, was the discovery of a second well. beneath the main southern entrance. This second well is about 8 metres deep and has a 1.8…

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Bridport Town Hall under scaffolding

Praise for local businesses

Local businesses have been praised for their quality and professionalism by Farnrise Construction, the main contractors on the Town Hall Heritage and Conservation Project.  From the outset the project has sought to use local businesses where possible within the restrictions…

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Bridport Town Hall weather van before gilding

Town Hall project update

Work on the Town Hall Heritage and Conservation project is now well under way and reaching the final stages of demolition. The project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, was originally developed to incorporate some minor restoration and works to…

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Fireplace uncovered at Bridport Town Hall

Fireplace uncovered

A wood and tiled fireplace has been uncovered in the small meeting room. It is thought that it was boarded up to stop drafts but interestingly the fire irons were carefully placed to the right of the fireplace before the board was…

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Columns reinstated at Bridport Town Hall

Columns are reinstated

The four columns supporting the first floor have now been reinstated at the sourthern end of the building. One original column was uncovered when the toilets were removed from the building and three new columns have been installed, taking the building…

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Box and bell are reunited

Secret drawers discovered

Two secret drawers have been discovered beneath the steps of the mayoral dais in the Council Chamber. The drawers were spotted when the ceilings of the ground floor were taken down, exposing the underneath of the wooden structure. A large quantity…

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Section of the Bucky Doo Square mural prior to damage. The boat and weather vane detail will be remade and the mural repaired

Cameras capture damage

There was an attempted break in at the compound outside Bridport Town Hall recently, which was caught on the town centre CCTV and a person was arrested soon afterwards. The case was dealt with by the Bridport Community Justice Panel…

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