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Mayor’s Blog 142 –

Mayor’s Blog 142 The Dorset Legal Service, Bridport Local Food Group, Mayor’s Quiz updates. The Dorset Legal Service On Sunday Bridget and I attended the Dorset Legal Service at St. Peter’s Church in Dorchester after being invited by the High…

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Mayor’s Blog 141 –

Mayor’s Blog 141 This week: Bridport Rugby Club Tag Festival, The Street to Sea Litter Pick, The Bridport Prize, Trafalgar Service. Bridport Rugby Club Tag Festival  The annual Bridport Rugby Club Tag festival was a great success with 12 school…

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Mayor’s Blog 139 –

Mayor’s Blog 139 This week : Meet the Council Events, Polling Stations, Plastic Free Bridport, Forthcoming Tree Pollarding, Community Bulb Planting, ,  Bridport Lions “Swimathon”, From Street to Sea, Bridport’s Big Litter Pick - Meet the Council Events Over the…

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