Mayor’s Blog Number 100
BLOG 100 I can’t believe this is Mayor’s Blog 100. Looking back it is interesting to see the range of topics that have been covered and the number of people and places I have been privileged to meet and visit.…
BLOG 100 I can’t believe this is Mayor’s Blog 100. Looking back it is interesting to see the range of topics that have been covered and the number of people and places I have been privileged to meet and visit.…
BRIDMET LTD, CHRISTMAS 2022, CONCERTS, QUIZZES AND MORE BRIDMET LTD In a recent Blog I I said; ‘For many people Bridport is simply thought of as a holiday and retirement destination, but Bridport is much more than that.’ A recent…
EMPLOYMENT, REMEMBRANCE, WINTER FUEL, WARM HUBS, DISCOVERY CENTRE & MORE BRIDPORT JOBCENTRE Bridport’s Jobcentre located at 1 West Street may not be the most attractive building on the high street, but it is possibly one of the most important. Last…
Cost of Living Support, Art Competition Results, Vapes, Reporting Littering, Monique Remembers and Bridport on Spotlight SW COST OF LIVING SUPPORT We are all aware that every household is being impacted upon by the ever increasing costs of living and…
Market Award, Racism, Careers Fair and the Drawing Festival NABMA AWARD I’m really proud to report that Bridport Town Council scooped the Market Team of the Year at last night’s National Association of British Market Authorities NABMA Awards ceremony. The award reflects the…
Restart a Heart, Litter, NHS, Drawing, Young Film-makers, TEDx and Calendar Boys! ST JOHN AMBULANCE – RESTART A HEART DAY On Saturday 16 October, an alliance of partners all over the world (including UK Ambulance Services, Universities, and other charitable…
Harmony – Stage Show by local mental health charity To celebrate World Mental Health Week, local mental health hub Harmony will be putting on their 80 Days Around the Mind show at Bridport Arts Centre on Monday 10th October. The…
Bridport Hats, Youth, Green Week, Greta’s Sculptures, Orange Trucks and Magic Tenners. The past ten days have taken us through a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts, initial shock and disbelief on hearing of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II;…
We Mourn The Queen and Welcome King Charles III We are living through a period of time, which although we knew would happen one day, we never imagined it actually happening. The events of the past few days are something…
It was with profound sadness that I learned of the death of Her Majesty The Queen on Thursday 8 September 2022, at Balmoral, aged 96. Queen Elizabeth II reigned for more than 70 years and was the longest-serving monarch in…