Mayor’s Blog, Number 151
Mayor’s Blog Hello everyone! So proud and pleased to be representing our wonderful town as Mayor for the coming year. I want to keep up the good work, continuing the Mayor’s blog to let you know what we’ve been up…
Mayor’s Blog Hello everyone! So proud and pleased to be representing our wonderful town as Mayor for the coming year. I want to keep up the good work, continuing the Mayor’s blog to let you know what we’ve been up…
Bridport’s annual Community Charter Fair will be held on Saturday 18th May. Based at Mountfield’s Millennium Green (09.30-15.00) and in Bucky Doo Square (10.00-15.00), this free event will feature over forty Community Stalls, including the Community Shed, and there’s entertainment…
Come along and watch the grand unravelling/rollout of Bridport's longest scarf!! Raising funds for Bridport Community Kitchen, the scarf will begin its unravel at 10am on Friday 26 April at the kitchen and make its way up to the Town…
Mayor’s Blog 150 This week: Holocaust Memorial Day, Charity Marathon, West Dorset Singers, Court Orchard Tree Planting, Mayoress Report. Holocaust Day – The Fragility of Freedom Last Friday I travelled to Dorchester to represent Bridport at the Holocaust memorial Day…
Mayor’s Blog 149 This week: Harbour House, Asker Nature Trail & Mountjoy School, St John Ambulance Recruitment, Mayoress Report (Carer Support). Harbour House West Bay (Bridport’s Longest Scarf) The lovely ladies and staff at the Harbour House have joined in…
It's still January, but Bridport is looking forward to spring with our annual Community Charter Fair. This year it will take place on 18th May 2024. The partnership between Bridport Town Council and the Charter Fair Committee has proved so…
Mayor’s Blog 147 This week: St. Vaast Twinning Christmas Party, Visit to the Bridport Bandits, Community Kitchen Christmas Lunch, St. James’ Care Home Carol Service, Bridport Round Table Hampers. St. Vaast Twinning Christmas Party Last Friday, Bridget and I attended the…
Mayor’s Blog 145 The Kings Awards for Voluntary Services, Bridport Local Food Group AGM, Mayor’s Quiz, Mayoress Report. The King’s Award for Voluntary Services It is something to be celebrated that two organisations in the Bridport area have been chosen…
Mayor’s Blog 144 Armistice Day, Remembrance Parade, Carnival Thank You Party, Asker Meadows Nature Trail Plan Armistice Day The Armistice, an agreement to end the fighting of the First World War as a prelude to peace negotiations, began at 11am…
Mayor’s Blog 143 Just Fish, 19th BridLit Festival, Borough Harmony AGM, Mayor’s Charities updates, Mayoress reports. Opening of Just Fish – West Bay On Saturday I had the pleasure of officially opening a new business in West Bay. After the recent…