Mayor’s Blog 160 December Blogs Dear Readers, I must have been visited by some mischievous Christmas…

Local Schools Paint the Town
Last week, Bridport Mayor, Cllr Geoff Ackerman, meet local artist Sarah Butterworth in Bucky Doo Square to view the fantastic 9 meter long mural she has created with the help of local schools.
The mural is positioned on the southern side of the hoardings which surround the restoration work being undertaken on the Town Hall. Over 60 children from Bridport Primary, St Mary’s and St Catherine’s primary schools worked with Sarah on the mural. The children made detailed drawings and notes on the important buildings and features of the main streets of the town. These sketches were then incorporated into an overall design which represents the vibrancy and colour of the town. The children also played a key part in painting the mural onto the 9 meters of board. All children who participated in the project are acknowledged on the mural.

Sarah Butterworth is a local artist with extensive experience of carnival arts, scenic painting and working on arts projects with schools. Sarah said “ In developing the Town Hall mural I really wanted to reflect the spirit of Bridport by producing something attractive and magical to both inspire visitors, and make local people feel proud of their neighbourhood. Local children have had a real input into the project, in terms of research, image making, design and producing the final piece. The mural is themed on the town’s history and layout – bringing in the main streets, shops, peoples’ livelihoods, and the surrounding area – the wildlife, the sea and countryside”