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War, Peace and New Beginnings: Bridport 1912-1920


War, Peace and New Beginnings

Published by Bridport Heritage Forum

Thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2013, Bridport Heritage Forum was able to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War through a series of projects focusing on everyday life in the town … how it was sustained and how it was changed by four years of conflict.

In 2018 the Forum submitted a new bid to the Fund seeking a grant to support collating and printing a book, which would bring together the human stories, information and details that have been discovered and shared: a book which would be a permanent record of the town and its people during a unique period of local and national importance. This is that book. It has been compiled by a group of willing volunteers and members of the Forum.

Price: £4.99 plus £1.99 postage

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War, Peace and New Beginnings: Bridport 1912-1920

Published By Bridport Heritage Forum 2018

Thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2013, Bridport Heritage Forum was able to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War through a series of projects focusing on everyday life in the town … how it was sustained and how it was changed by four years of conflict.

In 2018 the Forum submitted a new bid to the Fund seeking a grant to support collating and printing a book, which would bring together the human stories, information and details that have been discovered and shared: a book which would be a permanent record of the town and its people during a unique period of local and national importance. This is that book. It has been compiled by a group of willing volunteers and members of the Forum.

Price: £4.99 plus £1.99 postage


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