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The Bridport Local Area Partnership (BLAP) is a network whose members include Bridport Town Council, ten nearby Parish Councils and more than eighty local organisations and groups drawn from the community, voluntary and statutory sectors.

The roles of the partnership are to:

  • Enable its members to share their knowledge and experience;
  • Assist co-ordination among organisations which provide services;
  • Give local people more of a voice to influence decisions about the area;
  • Provide Parish Councils opportunities to work together on issues of common interest; and
  • Identify and facilitate actions which could be taken locally to address needs.

The area covered by the partnership stretches from Charmouth in the west to Puncknowle and Swyre in the east, including both coastal and non-coastal parishes.  The area has a population of around 20,000 with Bridport being its largest settlement.

The BLAP Steering Group meets on a quarterly basis.  There are also three working groups, which are: Parish Liaison Group; Health and Wellbeing Working Group; and Homelessness Working Group. BLAP is run by local volunteers, including a Management Team.  They are assisted by Bridport Town Council, who provide its administrative support.

BLAP circulates a fortnightly bulletin which includes updates from members, up and coming events, consultations and newsletters.  If you would like to be added to the BLAP Bulletin circulation, please email

Further information about its recent work can be found in the BLAP 2023/24 Annual Report  and Business Plan.

For more information, please contact Claire Peters-Way on Tel: 01308 456722 or email

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