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The Charter Fair celebrates the granting both of the Town’s first Market Charter by Henry III in 1253, and the reconfirmation of the right to hold a market by Queen Elizabeth I in 1594. It also celebrates the Citizen’s Charter, which in 2018 confirmed Bridport as the U.K.’s first “Rights Respecting Town.” The former, with the market now listed as one of the top markets nationally, has helped shape the Town’s character over the centuries – the latter will be influential in determining the future identity of our community.

The Fair seeks to reflect our community – what it does, who does what and why – with a focus on a single day of music, information and demonstration based at Bucky Doo Square and Mountfield.

For news & updates on the Charter Fair please contact or ‘phone 01308 423767 or Claire Peters-Way or telephone (01308) 456722

For information about the Citizens’ Charter and the Rights Respecting Programme contact


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